Month: January 2022

KRSQ (101.9 MHz) Customer Review

KRSQ (101.9 MHz) is a 100,000 watt commercial radio station in Laurel, Montana, serving the Billings, Montana area. They switched to NextKast onAir this year and are super happy with the result. The ease of use allowed all staff to quickly become comfortable with the software. In addition the merging with Marketron traffic, integration with MusicMaster, and built in encoders for online streaming made the transition much less stressful. I would like to welcome them to the Team of NextKast OnAir Broadcasters as we evolve into this market.

Customer Testimonial (David Hudson)

If not for Nextkast, I would’ve given up on Internet Radio long ago. I run two stations. One with NK Broadcast, and the other with NK Pro. Nextkast is amazing… from automation to reports. You can run it in full automation or live assist. Voice Tracking or mobile voice tracking, your choice. Insert sweeps, drops and commercials with ease. I’ve said it before I wish Nextkast was available back in the 70s/80s. My broadcast career would’ve been much smoother. I can’t say enough good things about it… It’s great!!!

Version 6.2.0 (1/8/2022)


1. on lineIn press or playlist macro trigger of lineIN, selected sound card will display (BX & onAir)
2. selectable soundcard on playlist macro linein (BX & onAir)
3. show trigger state on main screen from satellite switcher (broadcast tools switcher or Axia GPIO) (onAir)
4. Manual play button on Sweepers will also play from sweeper imaging folders (Pro & BX & onAir)
5. Improved workflow for MobileVT host/jock profile creation and scheduling (BX & onAir)
6. Improved many scenarios using playlist macros and satellite switching (BX & onAir)
7. ability to hear on air audio and use MIC live in noSoundcard / Virtual server mode when connected. Found in broadcast settings ‘Cloud Audio'(Pro & BX & onAir)
8. New preview file download progress in VTModule

1. mapped categories now use correct category type for crossfades and picker (BX & onAir)
2. fixed go to Auto mode from playlist macro (BX & onAir)
3. Fixed serial out for playlist macros (BX & onAir)
4. fixed manual vtjob export using MobileVT (BX & onAir)
5. Fixed multiple soundcard voicetrack playback not to crossfade (BX & onAir)
6. Fixed track import to be more flexible for different MusicMaster database configurations (onAir)
7. Improved iPass tolerance to escape characters in artist or title
8. Fixed some scenarios when switching from manual to Auto mode with start next button (Pro & BX & onAir)
9. fixed timing issue when voictracks are not marked to accomodate for fadetime when intro until is set on incoming song. (BX & onAir)

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