Version 6.5.4 – 6.5.5 (05/15/24-5/25/24)
- fixed issue of missing meta data when importing new configuration from Local Radio Networks
- fixed natural log traffic reconciliation in some edge cases
- More time accurate break fills using Nextkast Built in traffic
- when running in rotation mode, ignore static files on rotation unload
- Increased timeout period on auto ftp downloads
- fixed some edge cases when using nextkast internal traffic
- fixed alphabetic order categories
- fixed rendering in nkManager
- fixed custom playlist not activating per schedule
- enhanced email alert system to include warning about missing traffic logs, playlist log, or missing audio files
- Added ability to append station prefix for traffic merging in station groups
- added automatic traffic re-merge when new traffic files arrive when events/games are scheduled
- Added total traffic scheduled during a week when assigning ad play counts in nextkast traffic scheduler
- Added pdf export when auditing commercials played during date range using NextKast Internal traffic
- Screen warning when deleted rotation is in the schedule and trying to run
- added background Audio Recorder and FTP downloader (OnAir nkManager)