Version 6.4.88 (12/03/23)
12/03/2023 Version 6.4.88
- fix traffic tag loss when updating track regular meta data
- fix natural music log import to preserve category colors
- Fixed issue when setting Play As Voicetrack on Category Creation (only allowed after category creation)
- fixed click that could sometimes be heard when switching line on/off when in external mixer mode
- Made goLive more adaptable to lower bandwidth environments.
- Fixed startorStopRender macro to also allow for segment recording of live shows
- fixed some instances when rendering player would log divide by 0 error
- improved playlistmacro instances where neighboring track did not have startnext
- Fine Tuned switchToManualAndLineInOn
- Fixed bug in traffic scheduler when only two ads were available to schedule
- fixed Sample button would loose path
- fixed file overwrite error on new install when originally creating played.db3
- Optimized find missing file for network paths
- Arakis Apex Import
- Allowed onAir ads and Online Ads to Play separately from one System. Just create a file with same name and ” online” in the Filename The online add will only play to encoder.
- Added Event Game Scheduler for easily Scheduling Sports Broadcasts For a date and time,
- Automatically trim Silence in beginning of unmarked VoiceTracks
- Warning on system drive change
- Allows for sending serial commands to any com port not just active one
- warning on hide settings button
- Only redo preview file on name,artist,or cue marker changes
- Rotations can now merge traffic
- Increased timeout for remote stream files to 1.2 seconds
- GoLive remote screen now shows PlaylIst Macro Active with countdown
- more info logging when executing playlist macros
- On StartorStopRender filenames specified can now have date variables
- Allowed playlist macros to have millisecond duration
- Added ability to externally produce Voicetracks and Drag into MobileVT and Send back to Station
- If lineIN is on at program close Nextkast will remember setting on next app open