Tag: Radio Automation

Version 6.6.42 (12/25/24)

12/25/2024 Version 6.6.42


  1. on new track added that already exist re-import ( was preciously blocked if it already existed)
  2. fixed new track import to ignore upper case in file extensions
  3. fixed track removal from library when category is deleted
  4. fixed the search so when you press the search button without a term in tracklist add music, it will not search for blank term, allowing faster load on search form
  5. Improved handling of obscurely formatted Riff tags that occasionally occurs
  6. Fixed new traffic import when traffic is not configured in folders (local / network) and new file arrives after merge/playlist generation
  7. fixed proper category in traffic merge when commercial category is a mapped folder
  8. NkManager and OnAir on same machine will sync masterlookup via timestamp
  9. On overwrite already generated playlist, dialog to continue will show on top
  10. fixed category drag into playlist builder was broken in 6.6.4
  11. fixed statistics report with cart numbers in library


  1. Added more fields in the search ( search library must be refreshed to update, right click on refresh button and answer yes to dialog)
  2. Added search similar checkbox in search window to return similar results even if search term has some spelling errors
  3. ability to double click rotation in schedule window to view/edit rotation
  4. In nkManager added a new FolderWatcher option. This allows you to set nextkast to monitor a folder, and copy a file into nextkast when a new file arrives
  5. added RCS and Zetta Library Import (imports xml meta data from RCS automations)
  6. Added the ability to pick any Audio input in Encoders(broadcast settings screen), this allows the encoder to easily take output from a mixer and essentially separates out the encoder when needed to run in such a configuration.
  7. MobileVT You can now sort results, move multiple tracks from category to category, and preview/fast forward tracks
  8. added more robust code to the internal file syncer, intended to replace dropbox when running affiliates or remote managing format. Also allows for main system to select which categories will be synced.
  9. New statistic reports for played counts and audience response, and ability to save to pdf
  10. Updated sql and drawing engine drivers

Version 6.6.3 (09/27/24)


  1. Music Master Nexus Disabled in nkManager ( not needed )
  2. Cue sheet on drag and drop into player improved
  3. If no traffic present in all previous hours first hour would only merge 1 element (fixed)
  4. Play buttons drawing when minimizing and resizing improved
  5. Improved manual assignment (key press) of Triggers like broadcast tools, axia, and wheatstone.
  6. Nexus imporved filepath search on first system import
  7. On Linein start, activate with available channels, not default channels


  1. If linein is active from Playlist macro and source changes, nk will re engage to make source update
  2. First release of Affiliate Sync system integrated (on AIr) Dropbox or cloud system no longer needed
  3. Now treats files that arrive via backend as imported (onAir)
  4. More detailed logging on traffic merge events

Version 6.6.0 (08/2/24)


  1. Slowed down encoder reconnect to 3 seconds from 500ms because some stream providers could not handle re-connects too quickly
  2. Fix drag and Drop traffic inserts not getting category type
  3. When recoding external stream being played, cue sheets gets created
  4. More improvements to new track editor cue sheet implementation
  5. Fixed cue sheet getting erased when dragging and dropping songs live during a recorded session
  6. Fixed erroneous missing traffic log email, when running on external database system folder
  7. Improved CSV import to handle fields with quotes
  8. Fixed title repeat violations not showing red in generated playlist
  9. increased accuracy of master title repeat slider and resolution to minutes instead of hours
  10. Cleaned up pick error text to give more clear details of what rules were broken
  11. Improved music log import from natural Music via wide orbit convert ‘source2’
  12. Fixed hidden missing rotation dialog when generating and rotation has been deleted


  1. Statistical Relay calls were all moved to async methods as some stream providers are blocking stats calls that are 5 seconds apart
  2. When MergeExternalTraffic marker is set with duration, NextKast will stretch or slow tempo if within 8% to achieve perfect commercial segment time
  3. Improved order of operation for MetaData send decreasing delay from track start from 100 milliseconds to 10 milliseconds
  4. Improved CPU affinity for encoder buffers when running in no soundcard mode on virtual server
  5. Added double click on red (pick error) track to show what rules had to be broken and give feedback on what needs to be adjusted
  6. Initial implementation of Rotators inside categories (sub categories)
  7. added time stretch/shrink for merged commercial breaks as an option, Will adjust tempo to attempt to make break timing perfect with +-8%
  8. Added reset button in traffic scheduled in case of day re-merge, right click (R) button to reset all booked traffic files
  9. added BAK file for full audit trail of all commercials played and scheduled using internal traffic scheduler
  10. Added new startRotation1-5 in trigger window to allow for rotation starts from keyboard, broadcast tools or other triggers
  11. Added ability to use internal traffic while using external Music Scheduling systems

Version 6.5.0 (2/16/24)


  1. refined game/event scheduler to adhere to duration when needed
  2. fixed bug that would prevent plm files from being located when merging from traffic logs
  3. added menu to log edits for (live Mode, insert, delete and category stats)
  4. fixed render mode when rendering unmarked voicetrack files
  5. refined ftp download to remove urlencode not needed
  6. added logging when stream or ftp download fails
  7. better handle database error when library files gets corrupted
  8. improved startorStoprender live recording of segments
  9. added length field in playout only mode
  10. Increased recordbuffer size to increase reliability of in studio voice tracking on certain audio cards and PCs
  11. more refinement to unmarked Voicetrack silence removal in beginning of file
  12. Increased accuracy of meta data send for internal encoders
  13. Fixed scenario where VT is second track in hour
  14. Fixed scenario where startnext would fail when using goLive
  15. Improved reliability of back to back Playlist Macros after nofade out tracks
  16. Fixed scenario where MusicMaster Nexus received track with no assigned trackID (traffic)


  1. added new rules option in rotations to allow for limiting track back 2 back and total in hour of certain types
  2. took out limitation that would skip tracks shorter than .4 seconds
  3. added reset button in mobileVT to quickly update ip changes etc.

Version 6.4.88 (12/03/23)

12/03/2023 Version 6.4.88


  1. fix traffic tag loss when updating track regular meta data
  2. fix natural music log import to preserve category colors
  3. Fixed issue when setting Play As Voicetrack on Category Creation (only allowed after category creation)
  4. fixed click that could sometimes be heard when switching line on/off when in external mixer mode
  5. Made goLive more adaptable to lower bandwidth environments.
  6. Fixed startorStopRender macro to also allow for segment recording of live shows
  7. fixed some instances when rendering player would log divide by 0 error
  8. improved playlistmacro instances where neighboring track did not have startnext
  9. Fine Tuned switchToManualAndLineInOn
  10. Fixed bug in traffic scheduler when only two ads were available to schedule
  11. fixed Sample button would loose path
  12. fixed file overwrite error on new install when originally creating played.db3
  13. Optimized find missing file for network paths


  1. Arakis Apex Import
  2. Allowed onAir ads and Online Ads to Play separately from one System. Just create a file with same name and ” online” in the Filename The online add will only play to encoder.
  3. Added Event Game Scheduler for easily Scheduling Sports Broadcasts For a date and time,
  4. Automatically trim Silence in beginning of unmarked VoiceTracks
  5. Warning on system drive change
  6. Allows for sending serial commands to any com port not just active one
  7. warning on hide settings button
  8. Only redo preview file on name,artist,or cue marker changes
  9. Rotations can now merge traffic
  10. Increased timeout for remote stream files to 1.2 seconds
  11. GoLive remote screen now shows PlaylIst Macro Active with countdown
  12. more info logging when executing playlist macros
  13. On StartorStopRender filenames specified can now have date variables
  14. Allowed playlist macros to have millisecond duration
  15. Added ability to externally produce Voicetracks and Drag into MobileVT and Send back to Station
  16. If lineIN is on at program close Nextkast will remember setting on next app open

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