Month: December 2024

Version 6.6.42 (12/25/24)

12/25/2024 Version 6.6.42


  1. on new track added that already exist re-import ( was preciously blocked if it already existed)
  2. fixed new track import to ignore upper case in file extensions
  3. fixed track removal from library when category is deleted
  4. fixed the search so when you press the search button without a term in tracklist add music, it will not search for blank term, allowing faster load on search form
  5. Improved handling of obscurely formatted Riff tags that occasionally occurs
  6. Fixed new traffic import when traffic is not configured in folders (local / network) and new file arrives after merge/playlist generation
  7. fixed proper category in traffic merge when commercial category is a mapped folder
  8. NkManager and OnAir on same machine will sync masterlookup via timestamp
  9. On overwrite already generated playlist, dialog to continue will show on top
  10. fixed category drag into playlist builder was broken in 6.6.4
  11. fixed statistics report with cart numbers in library


  1. Added more fields in the search ( search library must be refreshed to update, right click on refresh button and answer yes to dialog)
  2. Added search similar checkbox in search window to return similar results even if search term has some spelling errors
  3. ability to double click rotation in schedule window to view/edit rotation
  4. In nkManager added a new FolderWatcher option. This allows you to set nextkast to monitor a folder, and copy a file into nextkast when a new file arrives
  5. added RCS and Zetta Library Import (imports xml meta data from RCS automations)
  6. Added the ability to pick any Audio input in Encoders(broadcast settings screen), this allows the encoder to easily take output from a mixer and essentially separates out the encoder when needed to run in such a configuration.
  7. MobileVT You can now sort results, move multiple tracks from category to category, and preview/fast forward tracks
  8. added more robust code to the internal file syncer, intended to replace dropbox when running affiliates or remote managing format. Also allows for main system to select which categories will be synced.
  9. New statistic reports for played counts and audience response, and ability to save to pdf
  10. Updated sql and drawing engine drivers
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