Author: admin

Software Release Notes – Version 6.4.84 (8/9/23)

We’re excited to present the latest release of our software, packed with enhancements, fixes, and new features that are designed to elevate your experience. Here’s a breakdown of what’s new:

Fixed Issues:

  1. Resolved the issue where moving between categories in mobileVT failed to refresh the masterLibrary, ensuring smoother navigation and updates.
  2. Corrected the mishandling of insert requests, preventing incorrect placements and ensuring seamless playback transitions.
  3. Fixed the file extension inconsistency in affiliate mode, ensuring compatibility and smooth operation with various file types.
  4. Addressed the played.db3 error by implementing an automatic file deletion mechanism, ensuring uninterrupted operation.
  5. Rectified the vtplayers clearing problem, which occurred when an active hour playlist refreshes from external changes while loaded, maintaining playlist integrity.
  6. Resolved the wheatstone keep alive issue, enhancing the stability and reliability of the software.
  7. Improved the latency of the mobileVT public server display by changing the IP server, resulting in quicker retrieval of public IP information.
  8. Implemented a safeguard against the loss of traffic data by blocking normal update tags on traffic files.
  9. Fixed the crash that occurred when clicking on the edge of the assign window during traffic edit, ensuring a seamless editing experience.
  10. Addressed a small memory leak in routed sound card usage, enhancing overall system performance and stability.
  11. Refined and optimized various minor GUI elements for a more visually pleasing and intuitive user interface.
  12. Achieved compatibility with traffic logs lacking time in Block lines, ensuring smooth integration with a wider range of log formats.
  13. Removed the auto-forcing feature that caused changes to move to a new hour when a stream is active, providing more control over scheduling.
  14. Enhanced memory management in split soundcard mode, accompanied by a notice to assign mixer first, for better resource utilization.
  15. Miscellaneous optimizations have been made to further streamline performance and efficiency.
  16. Track management in mobileVT has been restricted to only the admin, ensuring better control and organization.
  17. Fixed the audio expander to function with the updated bass_fx, maintaining audio quality and performance standards.
  18. Improved the speed of updating the search library and order logs when adding files from the file explorer backend, enhancing the efficiency of the process.

New Enhancements and Features:

  1. Introducing the addition of text color options in addition to background color for categories, allowing for better visual organization and customization.
  2. In mobileVT, you can now mark the VT end by clicking on the outgoing track position, streamlining the VT marking process.
  3. Mapped categories are now indicated by a ghosted icon and gray-colored text, providing visual cues for easier navigation.
  4. The audio engine drivers have been updated, ensuring compatibility with the latest hardware and software configurations.
  5. Added support for pages within sample buttons, with each page having a dedicated sub-directory in the sample folder for improved organization.
  6. Optimized the refresh process for sample pages, resulting in quicker loading and more responsive performance.
  7. Introduced a new shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+L, which locks the user interface to the playout-only screen, enhancing user focus during live broadcasts.
  8. Expanded the availability of audio inputs from 10 to 16, providing greater flexibility in audio source management.
  9. In mobileVT, a red marker now appears on the outgoing track when clicking to remark VT end on the incoming track, allowing for accurate timing adjustments and previews.
  10. As part of track management improvements in mobileVT, only administrators are allowed to move tracks.

We hope these enhancements, fixes, and new features will greatly enhance your experience with our software. Thank you for your continued support and valuable feedback. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for further improvements, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Version 6.4.8 (6/7/23)


  1. fixed edge case if more that 10 new tracks appear in back end folder ( would delete search library)
  2. fixed http stream paths that contain % date %
  3. final test for wheatstone triggers
  4. fixed mic processing when mute mic is checked
  5. fixed possibility when song list gets grayed out on right click
  6. Fixed erroneous red tracks if time restrictions are set
  7. set auto tempo fit to -2% to 3.5%
  8. fixed scenario when traffic gets merged after MobileVT hours tracked
  9. Optimized ram usage
  10. accounted for trackStart in vt audio preview files
  11. Enforce scheduled Audience Pleaser values when generating Playlist
  12. Fixed stats report update in mobileVT
  13. fixed audience pleaser schedule when generating playlist
  14. improved time accuracy when ipass is engaged and random is off
  15. fixed nk trying to load traffic logs in BX version
  16. fixed scenario where play as voicetrack is marked and occurs after empty playlist macro
  17. fixed traffic merge at midnight
  18. Improved time tracking when playlist generation hours are skipped
  19. Error handling on 5 day test button in category Health


  1. when mono is checked in mic settings vtplayers will play stereo track in mono
  2. Perfected live simulcast with microserver and affiliates in OnAir Version
  3. added PDF printing of Playlist
  4. Added restrict time for blocks in Traffic merge settings
  5. when ipass is enabled when you delete a generated playlist song picker unschedules tracks affected by delete
  6. added option in supersettings to choose whether track name duplicates are allowed in separate categories
  7. on new playlist generation or playlist import nk will look in mergelogs folder if no traffic log is present to automatically remerge traffic
  8. Force Block Time now uses block start time compared to mergetraffic marker time to determine merge
  9. added abovecast ais stream stats filter for custom stats call

Version 6.4.7 (5/5/23)


  1. fixed master search library deleting when category order log is fixed on system startup
  2. fixed order of loading crossfade times on startup
  3. fixed title repeat whe using ipass picking
  4. timeSync fixed when at end of hour while next hour loads
  5. Fixed MobileVT on iphone
  6. made playfromcategory to only pick audio files
  7. fixed vtexport aand vtimport buttons
  8. improved title repeat to be case insensitive and allow for decimal hour values
  9. sample buttons fade out on mobileVT longer
  10. fix playfromcategory to ignore overridetime
  11. MobileVT fix track before traffic merge
  12. made sizing better in scheduler window
  13. fixed https file streams with date variables


  1. changed duplicates to show filename
  2. store track meta data in library.db when running shd for quicker mapped drive response through vpns
  3. added moveTrackCategory in MobileVT
  4. added PD checkbox in jock profiles ( only they can see stats and move track categories)
  5. added stats view in mobilevt
  6. added the ability to auto trim silence from unmarked voicetrack files to hit post (intro until)
  7. added natural log reconcile file output
  8. added ALT button on click move menu to allow for the ability to create a copy of a file to another category
  9. more fields on export playlist to csv

Version 6.4.6 (4/15/23)

FIXED 6.4.6

  1. fixed skipping short voicetracks ( that were marked within .4 seconds of start)
  2. add wheatnet triggers input and output
  3. clear loaded vt player when loading to next hour
  4. fixed https re-streaming
  5. retry count in mobilevt server start as fail safe
  6. added view library button on MobileVT upload track
  7. improved memory usage on control drawing
  8. fixed nkmanager render process
  9. fixed rotation itemclick event when playlist are loaded
  10. made text color in rotation builder consistent with user interface

FIXED 6.4.5

  1. Fixed http streams simulcast without credentials
  2. fixed traffic apply payment
  3. fixed traffic update asset
  4. fixed PLM trigger from serial trigger
  5. fixed rare case where vtjob does not import immediately in MobileVT
  6. fixed shd date modified check
  7. fixed window height in adv settings for BX and Pro

6.4.4 Added

All Versions
1.added new Log Editor, (right click on edit of date folder on bottom of playlist rotation screen) ability to view full day generated log,traffic for day in list, insert,move,tracks and automatically save
2.Cancel option when generating hours/days ( click on status dialog to stop)
3.CSV export button now double click to avoid accidental press on color change
4.Higher row height and improved track insert in nkmanager
5.Filter types in category view (commercials, Imaging, Music) right click on refresh button generated playlist first in playlist/rotation view tracks that had to break rules to schedule in red backcolor on generated playlist
8.improved load speed of large search list in track search
9.when track gets added on backend, add to search library
10.remove click on form to hide playlist hour display form
11.check for duplicate cart numbers on backend ( not using nk front end) file arrival
12.Warning when enabling high priority mode as it requires more that 4gig of ram to run effectively
13.Added MediaTouch System Import

1.(onAir Only)Initial traffic/Commercial scheduling implementation
2.(BX and OnAir) Ability to mark categories to play as voicetracks / music bed scenario
3.(onAir Only)Allow imaging and commercial categories to also convert to SHD when enabled
4.(BX and OnAir)allow date wildcards in http and ftp stream paths
5.(onAir Only)changed genre column in search to cart# in onAir version
6.(onAir Only)break traffic import logs into blocks automatically if time between ads is more than 8 minutes (removes the need to place ‘block’ or ‘commercial break’)
7.(onAir Only)added sync capability for working with synchronizer from syncronicity
8.(onAir Only)exclude Voicetracks and LiveRecordings folder from shd conversion


  1. Breaknote functionality in MobileVT where break notes get automatically replaced by voicetracks and the track before break note loads into vt editor when clicked
  2. Highlight position of inserted track in MobileVT and close VT editor after insert
  3. allow only admins to insert view tracks/categories on MobileVT ( will take effect when new vtjobs exported and user is not admin)
  4. after VT recording delete button deletes the VT without need to confirm dialog
  5. Improved MobileVT screen to a multi-use/click button or keyboard shortcut spacebar for better VT workflow
  6. DJ name and day of week in vtJob VT files
  7. warning in mobileVT when import is requested before export of current job


All Versions

  1. Verify in manager while playout is running causes bad tracks to be moved and verify to fail (blocked operation if nextkast is running)
  2. improved search accuracy when adding and removing files from file explorer folder
  3. Fixed insert so that if you insert track that is next to play it reloads it to update next track
  4. Europe computers cannot use up down on cue time edit ( regional settings)
  5. improved speed of master library generation
  6. Fixed title repeat setting to be hours not minutes in music scheduler
  7. If last category is missing prevents endless loop
  8. fixed override title repeat per category
  9. blocked ability to render mp3 when main automation us playing out / use nkManager
  10. refined render to mp3
  11. Improved Backup Process


  1. (onAir Only)block file change reload (filewatcher) if change occurs during playlist loading
  2. (BX and OnAir)resolve scenario where there is an @ in username of ftp download
  3. (BX and OnAir)static files in clock breaks scheduler if they are last item in list when using iPass / or missing category
  4. (onAir Only)Fixed TCP send for meta data RDS systems
  5. (BX and OnAir)Fix switchTomanual with 0 time to stop automation
    6.(BX and OnAir)added reset to TOH when hour is setAsTemplate
    7.(BX and OnAir)fixes statistics report when using shd format
    8.(BX and OnAir)allow break notes to have a duration for scheduling purposes but not delay when playing out
    9.(BX and OnAir)Block static files from being dragged into rotation builder from voicetrack screen


  1. Fix intro time not saved properly into playlist in MobileVT when using iPass
  2. fix bug that would cause vtJOb in mobileVT to cause permission denied dialog
  3. Re-factor importVT job for mobileVT.. new function that does not add it to the import collection and just real time imports
  4. Truly remove vtJob from browser memory once it is sent

Version 6.4.2 (2/12/23)


  1. reshuffle daily option for music scheduler
  2. shows tracks in red that were scheduled from broken rule and shows detail of why in track notes
  3. allow commercials type categories to have a artist and title separation
  4. updated generate playlist button with icon
  5. added option in advanced settings to convert all music audio files to shd with embedded metadata (nkManager does this work)
  6. allowed double line text in rotation / playlist view
  7. added category sub colors
  8. divider lines in playlist views
  9. Auto VT export option now works with internal scheduler
  10. if outro of imaging is marked, nextkast will attempt to hit into until(post) on incoming track)
  11. Dynamic AGC implemented for running individual sound cards
  12. template merge can now specify day by name template, MondayMerge.tpl .. etc
  13. added option in schedule to block import of external playlist in certian hours
  14. improved PLM to include static files
  15. http encoder meta data calls removed timestamp (not needed)
  16. double click in played search to filter but clicked name
  17. show player number active in stacked player view
  18. Traffic merge asset expiration report
  19. Only remove vtJOb in MobileVT after confirmation user fully downloaded it
  20. added code that properly manages when multiple MobileVT host send vtJobs back simultaneously
  21. More detailed logging in MobileVT server
  22. Only display cart numbers in track list for onAir version


  1. break notes and nowplaying files duplicate stream encode meta data send behavior
  2. fixed static files not scheduling using ipass
  3. fixed cue sheets to handle “PREGAP” line
  4. Fixed library meta date delete when track is deleted from nextkast
  5. improved timing calculation in ipass to include cue points
  6. fixed mobileVT when using SHD files
  7. Fixed nkManager move tracks from category to category large top display
  8. fixed hit post when imaging has outro until marker
  9. fixed mobileVT bug where ‘ would cause track search insert to cause vtjob upload issue
  10. Live playlist track update only updates tracks that have not played
  11. Export vtJob when not all 24hrs are generated
  12. real time SHD encode would stop working after midnight
  13. adjusted settings window height to fit lower resolution screens

Version 6.4.0 (1/2/23)


  1. delete playlist older than 5 days and voicetracks older than 21 days on home click
  2. if auto import is checked in adv settings vtjobs creation bypass ask dialog
  3. option for ‘can upload’ in MobileVT under user pofile
  4. ports now required on MobileVT (allows for multiple on single machine or IP)
  5. larger font sized and colors in small icon view for categories and playlist/rotation view
  6. on app.log larger than 10mb rename and no confirmation dialog
  7. update save active playlist on insert from search to reflect on mobilevt golive
  8. added install path option for onAir version to allow multiple installs on one server
  9. added ROT and PLS home buttons to filter playlist and rotations
  10. allowed both upper and lower case for natural log imports for break markers “#commercial break#”
  11. added random hour order for song picker when generating playlist and iPass is enabled
  12. eliminate vt export dialog on satellite only talent schedules
  13. added new automated test option in category health window and window now shows most scheduling options
  14. re-arranged settings window
  15. added fx option for vt players (set in mic settings)
  16. added the ability to list rotation list in plm to use as packets
  17. double click in gray are in rotation/playlist list to filter between rotations and playlist in view


  1. fix total time when calculating merge commands
  2. fixed time range and date range with files that are cart numbers
  3. alot of fixes to iPass multi pass scheduling
  4. added intro time when importing external playlist to show in MobileVT
  5. playTrackFromCategory macro now places categories in imported playlist so they get picked on playlist load not next song load
  6. hide mobilevt and golive config rewrite on nkmanager startup
  7. Sync masterLibrary between nkManager and nextkast in real time (search library)
  8. fixed time range restriction
  9. improved dayPart segment separation code and made it work only for selected categories ( not global)
  10. modified vt auto mark when vt markers are missing to handle transitioning into no intro tracks
  11. time restriction rename and delete improved on track edit and delete
  12. fixed break notes using ipass for generating playlists
  13. fixed rounding of time column in rotation builder
  14. added category average time refresh when pressing refresh button on track list screen
  15. get trimmed length to include nextstart in rotation builder
  16. fixed infinite repick if last track in a short hour was a statically inserted file

Importing from Other Automation Systems

In the latest version of nextkast onAir we have expanded the ability to import meta data from other automations systems.

We now support importing metadata from RadioDJ, Station Playlist, Natural Music, PlayoutOne, Wide Orbit and many others. This allows you to evaluate NextKast onAir for your station with much quicker and minimal setup.

For more information call Winston at 210-286-2975

Version 6.3.8 (11/13/22)


goLive / MobileVT / RemoteVT (onAir and Broadcast Versions)

  1. Improvements in GoLive gui with new buttons on bottom of screen when running on desktop
  2. added sample buttons to goLive audio feed
  3. allowed insert track to goLive
  4. added move track syncing in current playlist goLive
  5. on playlist reorder resave active playlist in playout screen and update goLive screen if connected
  6. added multi party goLive option, up to three can connect and hear each other (multi party radio show live remote hosting)
  7. added remote recording in goLive screen
  8. Added MobileVT auto server start fix ( quicker to configure changing ip )
  9. added station clock to goLive GUI
  10. added delete track in mobileVT (not only vt delete)
  11. allowed for up to 60 vt user accounts
  12. added remote volume lowering of studio feed in goLive for multi party hosts
  13. created affiliate vtjob disbursement schedule ( 1 host can be sent to multiple affiliates )

Playback Engine / GUI

  1. added tag checking for all supported audio file types (All)
  2. added stream, ftp, http, and remote file insert asset (right click on add track +) (onAir and BX)
  3. on playlist reorder resave active playlist in playout screen and update goLive screen if connected (All)
  4. added template merge (name it templateMerge.tpl and place in traffic log folder)(onAir and BX)
  5. added OPUS and .shd audio file compatibility (All)
  6. If track name is less that 12 characters will display as cart number in category list and playlist (onAir)
  7. added automatic track update in current playlist changes active playlist will automatically update (All)
  8. Imporved GUI updated icons (All)
  9. added new segement markers for rendering segments (wav and mp3)(onAir and BX)
  10. added if track is not valid, skip it (All)
  11. other than mp3 meta data now sored in database to increase tag retrieval for large libraries 10K + tracks (All)
  12. Played search screen added to playout only screen (All)
  13. when schedule is enabled, when pressing any hour, edit will will be assumed (All)
  14. automatically set playlist to generate from1 to 30 days in advance without human intervention (if nkMnager is open it will generate, if not nextkast will genrate 5 after midnight) (All)
  15. added ability to import set up from PlayoutOne (All)
  16. NK will look for duplicate cart numbers and warn on import. (onAir)
  17. added new date/hor view when naviating from playout only screen to playlist editor screen (All)
  18. added ability to externally edit tracks loaded in nextkast and automatically return to cue window when done (All)
  19. Update start time even when running in Playlist Mode (All)

Playlist Macros / GPIO (On Air)

  1. added send tcp and udp playlist macros
  2. added ability to set time inside a mergeExternalTrafficLog marker
  3. added multi-level trafic merging (local, network, program) configurable
  4. added support for audioScience GPIO triggers
  5. added Category and track length to meta send
  6. added upd meta send and fully tested http, tcp and udp meta send
  7. added setAsTemplate playlist macro (first command in list) will make the scheduler create hour without regard to time (exact rotation as playlist)
  8. added startOrStopRecord macro to trigger recording from playlist macro
  9. added ability to save playlist macros to Sample buttons to trigger satelite and other macro commands
  10. added http server so playlist macros can be called from http commands externally
  11. added template merge for synchronicity (name it templateMerge.tpl and place in traffic log folder)
  12. added many new playlist macro options
  13. added playlist macro profile to allow scheduling of different playlist macro profiles in a week


  1. fixed IOS safari compatibility with goLive (onAir and BX)
  2. Fixed occasional flange in mic when using chrome or edge (onAir and BX)
  3. fixed mic volume from changing between app loads in certian windows sizes (All)
  4. fixed admin checkbox in mobileVT and goLive (onAir and BX)
  5. Fixed playlist macro builder list not showing first inserted item as yellow (All)
  6. Improved talent add and remove process for remote voicetracking (onAir and BX)
  7. show track length in clock view for rotation builder when adding playlist macros with length (All)
  8. if track is not valid, skip it (All)
  9. on track insert, show from category (All)
  10. fixed track time calculation when in stacked player mode. (All)
  11. Updatetime correctly shows future time when selecting jumpto (All)
  12. block user from moving track in Playout only screen during transition (All)
  13. fixed the ability for NK to autostart if some tracks are missing in current playlist (All)
  14. Improved MusicMaster Nexus Import and Sync Processes(On Air)

6.3.8 11/13/2022

  1. Minor bug fixes
  2. added meta data import for Wide Orbit (onAIr)

Version 6.2.6 (07/01/22)

7/1/22 version 6.2.6


  1. Initial release for GoLive MobileVT feature (BX and OnAIr)
  2. New playout only screen , size the two frames as preferred(All)
  3. Refreshed some GUI icons (All)
  4. New option to hide mic, linein and sweeper buttons in adv settings (All)
  5. New Stacked Player View option available in settings -> adv screen (All)
  6. added drop down for schedule mode in scheduler(All)
  7. many code speed optimizations(All)
  8. Added copy and paste functions in Rotation Editor


  1. Missing tracks will not look for all supported file types (All)
  2. Fixed MobileVT not rendering some tracks when originals were non-mp3 or wavs (BX and OnAIr)
  3. minor IU improvements (All)
  4. More improvements to auto update of playlist in active hour (All)
  5. Fixed certain wav tag data where artist and title were reversed on import of track (All)
  6. Improved Playlist Macro File functionality in a category (BX and OnAir)
  7. Fixed sweeper checks not saving in European versions of windows

Version 6.2.3 (04/21/22)


  1. New update method to fix update error when checking for update from help menu (all)
  2. Adjustable re-connect tolerance in advanced audio settings (all)


  1. Added new playlist macro file list, creates the ability to save a set of playlist macros and save them in a category (bx and Onair)
  2. Fixed unintentional fade when playing hooks (bx and Onair)
  3. Fixed certain wav tag data where artist and title were reversed on import of track (all)
  4. Fixed insert static file from within nextkast to rotation editor (bx and Onair)
  5. Marketron visual traffic and radio trafiic reconciliation auto detect improvements (bx and Onair)

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